Monday, January 14, 2019

Water Baptism

In the last post I showed you that the commission Christ gave His apostles just before He ascended to Heaven concerned the kingdom program of Israel and is not the commission for the Body of Christ in this present age of grace. Yet, all denominations imagine that they are operating under it. That is why they all require water baptism.

Water baptism has long been a controversial subject that the professing church has been divided over. Pastor J.C. O’Hair called it “Religious TNT.” When Darby was asked what he held to concerning baptism, he said, “I hold my tongue.” There is no majority agreement in the professing church concerning how to answer basic questions about water baptism. Is it to be done by immersion, sprinkling, or pouring? Is it for salvation or testimony? Who has the authority to baptize? What words are to be said during the baptismal ceremony?

Another legitimate but rarely asked question is, "Does water baptism even matter today?" Some say water baptism is required for salvation, while others say it is for church membership. Both views are absolutely wrong. Why all the confusion? Most do not rightly divide the word of truth and consider what Paul says (2 Tim. 2:7, 15).

What is baptism? Many will say it means to be immersed in water. That may be how some dictionaries define it, but that is not how the King James Bible defines it. The nation of Israel was baptized in the OT, and they didn't get wet at all (1 Cor 10:1-2). This baptism teaches us that a baptism is essentially an identification and not immersion in water.

Let’s consider the first passage in which water baptism is mentioned (please read Matt. 3).

John, the forerunner of the King, baptized repentant Jews for the remission of sins. Baptism was required to prove faith under the gospel of the kingdom (vs.1-10; Mk. 1:4-5; Mk. 16:16; Acts 2:38; Acts 3:19-21). This baptism was to manifest Christ to Israel and was a ceremonial washing and purification (Jn. 1:31; 3:23-26; Acts 22:12-16). 

There are three baptisms mentioned in one verse (vs.11-12; Heb. 6:2):
1) With water (cleansing)
2) With the Holy Ghost (power)
3) With fire (judgment)

We cannot follow Christ in water baptism because His was unique. He was identifying with the sinners He came to save. This was the beginning of His ministry. According to the Law, priests were washed and anointed when they began their ministry (Ex. 29:4, 7).

Christ spoke of a baptism He had to be baptized with AFTER He was baptized with water (Lk. 12:50). He was referring to His suffering on the cross. Christ told the disciples that they would be baptized with suffering (Matt. 20:20-23).

The mystery of the church which is the Body of Christ was revealed to the apostle Paul (Eph. 3). The spiritual baptism that makes us members of one Body is only found in his epistles (1 Cor. 12:13). This is NOT the prophesied baptism with the Holy Ghost.

Let’s review the different baptisms we have considered so far:
1) Baptism unto Moses
2) Baptism unto repentance
3) Baptism of Christ
4) Baptism with the Holy Ghost
5) Baptism with fire
6) Baptism of suffering
7) Baptism into the Body of Christ

Read Eph. 4:1-7 - Which baptism was Paul referring to when he said there is “one baptism?” It cannot be water baptism because water cannot put you in Christ!

Paul mentioned water baptism one time in his epistles to the Body of Christ (1 Cor. 1:10-17). He baptized a few people in the transition period, but he never commanded it. That Christ sent Paul NOT to baptize proves that he was not under the same commission as the twelve apostles because they were sent to baptize. 

There is only one baptism that matters today, and it is the spiritual baptism that all believers receive the moment they believe the gospel of the grace of God (Rom. 6:3-4; 1 Cor. 12:13; Gal. 3:27-28; Col. 2:10-12).

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