Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Glorifying the King James Bible

Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be GLORIFIED, even as it is with you: (2 Thess. 3:1)

The scripture gives many of the same titles and attributes of the Lord Jesus Christ to itself. There is an inseparable bond between the incarnate Word of God and the inspired word of God. One is God manifest in the flesh (1 Tim. 3:16), and the other is God manifest in a Book (2 Tim. 3:16). Therefore, to attack one is to attack the other, and to exalt one is to exalt the other.

We have a supernatural Savior! For example, He was supernatural in His conception, life, death, resurrection, and ascension. We also have a supernatural Bible! For example, it is supernatural in its inspiration, preservation, and illumination. Yet, many who claim to believe in a supernatural Savior deny that we have supernatural scripture! They mock us for believing we have a perfect Bible given by inspiration of God, and yet they claim to believe in the virgin birth, sinless life, miraculous ministry, vicarious death for all sinners, His bodily resurrection, and ascension back to heaven. Seems rather inconsistent, doesn’t it?

One of the most common attacks against the King James Bible is the personal and doctrinal flaws of the king that authorized its translation, and of the translators themselves. They claim the KJB is just an archaic 17th century Anglican translation. How could imperfect men produce a perfect Bible? The answer is that they didn’t, God did through them. Isn’t that what He did with the original writings? Did Moses and Paul have any flaws? I am sure much of the personal attacks on King James is just slander, but his personal character has nothing to do with the perfection of the Bible he authorized. I am sure the translators had some doctrinal errors. All men, no matter how brilliant, are fallible.

The unbelieving Jews attacked Christ by pointing out His humble human family (Mk. 6:1-6)? How could the Son of God be the son of a carpenter and have brothers and sisters? They stumbled over His humanity. He was not the Son of Joseph, but the Son of God because He was born of a virgin. Christ was “made of a woman” (implying the virgin birth, modern versions say “born,” but we were all born of a woman) in the LIKENESS of sinful flesh, but He was the sinless Son of God! Study the lives of those listed in the genealogy of Christ and see if you can find any flaws. He was of the seed of Abraham and Abraham was a liar. He came through the tribe of Judah. Read about how Judah had Pharez and Zarah of Tamar in Gen. 38. She was his daughter in law who disguised herself as a harlot to conceive seed of him because her husband died before she had children. Christ was of the seed of David and yet David committed adultery and murder! What about Solomon and all of his pagan wives and concubines? Rahab the harlot is listed in His genealogy! Yet, He is the sinless Son of God untainted by a corrupt family tree and the KJB is pure Bible untainted by the men God used to translate and publish it.

The KJB is the only English Bible that is absolutely pure and completely without error. That fact proves it is the inspired word of God. Also the millions that have been saved and changed testify to its supernatural power. Christian’s grow spiritually far better with a KJB than any other version.

The God ordained key to understanding the Bible is to rightly divide it (2 Tim. 2:15). The KJB is the only Bible in English that tells us to rightly divide the word of truth! Those that know anything about rightly dividing the word of truth know that the new versions hinder the right division of the scriptures. For example, there is a difference between how a man is justified in the present age of grace and the future tribulation period. You will only come to understand this vital truth when you rightly divide Paul’s justification by the faith of Christ with James’ justification by a man’s faith. There is a dispensational difference between Rom. 4 and Jam. 2! Paul teaches we are justified instantly and permanently without any works required because we are justified by the faith of Christ (Gal. 2:16). The KJB is the only English Bible that says, “the faith OF Christ." James teaches that a man is justified by faith that works and is tested. The KJB is a book that must be rightly divided to be understood. The KJB translators were not dispensationalists, but the KJB is a dispensational book!

Another key to Bible study that goes right along with right division is to compare spiritual things with spiritual (1 Cor. 2:13). The KJB has an amazingly intricate cross-referencing system. Changing one word can throw the system out of whack. The modern versions mess up the cross-referencing system because they add, omit, and change so many words. When we compare scripture with scripture we see how other passages shed light on the passage we are studying. For example, does Gen. 1:2 describe the process of God’s creation work or does it describe His judgment? The only other reference to “without form and void” sheds light on Gen. 1:2 (Jer. 4:23, future judgment). The RSV says “without form and void” in Gen. 1:2 but “waste and void” in Jer. 4:23, thus ruining the cross-reference. For another example from the first chapter of the Bible, comparing the only other reference to God telling a man to replenish the earth (Gen. 9:1) sheds light on Gen. 1:28. Both commissions were given after a flood judgment. Adam was a son of God. There were sons of God on the earth before Adam (angels, Job 38:4-7). The NIV says “fill the earth” in Gen. 1:28 and “repopulate the earth” in 9:1. There are many things we learn by cross-referencing! It teaches you that the italicized words in the KJB are the words of God (compare Deut. 8:3 with Matt. 4:4 and note that "word" is not in italics when Christ quotes it).

Another supernatural feature of the KJB is it's built-in dictionary. No other English Bible comes even close to it. The words of the KJB can be understood by studying them in context and comparing scripture with scripture (example of "anon" - Matt. 13:20 with Mk. 4:16).

Then there is Biblical numerology. I realize that some get carried away with this, but that certain numbers have meaning can be proved from the text of scripture (such as the numbers 6, 7, 13, 40). There are many examples in the KJB that correspond with God’s numbering system. For example, the Bible teaches that six is the number of man (created on the sixth day, see also Rev. 13:18). Romans is the sixth book of the NT. What is the sixth word of Rom. 6:6? This doesn’t work very well with the new versions (NIV says “self” and it’s the 7th word). Biblical numerology proves that the chapter and verse divisions are of God.

And on and on we can go with evidence that the KJB is a supernatural book. Ignorant and immature believers are looking for signs and miracles (1 Cor. 13:8-13; 14:20). The signs have ceased and they will not be resumed until after the rapture when God uses them again in the tribulation period. We don’t need signs because we have the complete and perfect word of God (2 Tim. 3:16-17)! The KJB is a great miracle that too many Christians overlook and neglect.

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